New Horizons...

Sitting here listening to Somi...her voice reminds me of the beauty of stillness...of the knowing that comes from quiet contemplation and surrender to the Divine.  

I am approaching new horizons with glorious possibilities laid out before me.  A little brown girl from Winston-Salem, North Carolina had no business with dreams of such magnitude, yet I held on.  All outward appearances said "impossible" and when I even believed it was not possible and tried to give up, the dream itself held on to me.  During this journey, I have learned to walk through fire and not get burned...even walked on water when all around was sinking fast.  I just kept hearing my Uncle Coo'Jack say... 

"Stand girl you betta stand up.  
I don't wanna hear no foolish talk about you giving up
When I done lived most of my life bending over backwards
Just so you can stand."  

Now I stand on the shoulders of my Ancestors...basking in the joy of dreams realized, understanding the power of faith, the quiet strength that comes from trusting, and of what can happen when your dreams don't let go of you.   And as for my Uncle Coo'Jack's advice...I'm SO glad I listened!!

 Uncle Coo'Jack & Ihsan
My Great Uncle Coo'Jack holding my son Ihsan (4 Generations)

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